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Ronald Van Santen

13 Hectares with Nursery in NSW for Costa & Van der Hoeven

Updated: Feb 17, 2020

Continuing on in Australia, in July we travelled north to New South Wales to complete a second expansion phase on a 13 hectare project requiring walls, dollies and a nursery. This particular region in NSW is an unique building site as the land consists of substantial amounts of stones and rocks which can cause problems for the drilling of holes in the ground for the dollies which may also significantly slow down construction.

Nonetheless, with ample experience in this region of Australia, we are an international team with the ability to pre-plan effectively for this provinces' unique landscape.

This requires very specific drilling equipment, the ability to effectively repair machinery on site, and confidence and experience to ensure the integrity of foundation is robust while operating through what can be, a very demanding climate, something which many foreigners do not take into consideration while working in an already quite heavy industry and country.

This project was completed on time and budget in under 7 weeks, and given the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the current wild fires and droughts in Australia, we also hope that the surrounding communities of Armidale and Guyra are safe, get the much needed rain, and that the wonderful local businesses can commence normal operations as soon as possible.

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