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Ronald Van Santen

We're Growing!

We missed a summer update, and as we head into winter in Europe and North America, our work is about to go full force again as we are preparing for the annual work season in Australian summer!

We've had an exciting year of growth at RORO Greenhouses this year, since February we have been in Australia, Holland, Hungary, Finland and we just wrapped up in Canada. Don't let the reputation of cold Canada fool you, in September we were seeing 30-38 degrees by 8 in the morning for weeks straight!

It was nice to return to North America and be further involved in foundations and walls for the booming medicinal marijuana industry growing in Canada. Being able to provide our expertise as Dutch contractors across the world is a proud feeling and we enjoy being a part of its development and sharing our knowledge with the world.

This recent project was the second major medicinal greenhouse in Canada that we have been involved with and we look forward to returning for many more as a leader in foundations and floors in this exciting new horticultural advancement. In mid-October we will be heading to Australia for a 10 hectare expansion on a project we did last year where we will be completing both foundations and the walls.

Finally, in addition to the summer season of international work, we are proud to announce our company has grown to include a new member! My brother Robert and his wife have welcomed their first child in August and he is ready to go with the RORO team!



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